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Get Past First Impressions

By Lana P., Grade 12
I’m sure you have all heard the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,,但现实情况是,很多人并没有模仿这句话. 作为人类,我们首先注意到的是我们遇到的人的外表. 不知道他们的个性,也不知道他们到底是谁, we make an assumption, either positive or negative. But why do we not look past that initially?
我敢肯定,在你生命中的某个时刻,你一开始不喜欢某个人,然后和他们成为了朋友. 我必须承认我以前也有过这种感觉,甚至在过去的几个月里. Every year, when new students come to our school, 我总是发现自己给他们留下的第一印象要么是积极的,要么是消极的, even though it is not necessarily on purpose, as it is common human behaviour.
With most of my closest friends, I honestly didn't have a good first impression of them, but as I have been around them and learned their stories, 我发现他们是我见过的最真诚的人.
The majority of the time, I’ve come to realize, that these first impressions are not correct, and beneath the surface, people are different than they seem. People may be able to do things that you would never expect, 或者他们可能经历了你无法想象的事情, 你发现自己只能同情他们.
世界上每个人都有自己不同的故事. 每个人的经历都将他们塑造成了今天的自己. 你永远无法从你对别人的最初印象中完全了解他们的故事. Everyone is unique and special in their own way, so next time you meet someone, 也许在对他们产生无知的印象之前,试着去了解他们, 因为他们的外表并不能决定他们是谁. 试着更开放地接受这样一种意识形态:一个人的内在比你的眼睛所能看到的更多, 有些人的外表只是他们故事的开始.
在评判别人之前要真正了解他们,变得更加开放. 善待每一个人,记住你永远不知道你周围的人经历过什么,也不知道他们必须克服什么挑战. 因为,最终,你不会希望别人仅仅根据第一印象来评判你. There’s more to your story than what you initially present, and there’s more to other people’s stories too!
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