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Don't Worry About the Moments to Come

By Alina S., Grade 11
我想谈谈我们魁北克的学生在每年的这个时候每天都在挣扎的事情. The sun comes out late and goes down early, 危险的低温,你在室外待不超过五分钟就会被冻伤, and on top of that, winter depression.
在我从波兰来到斯坦斯特德之前,我从来不相信冬天会有抑郁症. During my first year here, for the first time, I experienced the brutal, 漫长的加拿大冬天,而我之前并不知道我在做什么. 我可以诚实地说,我不知道我正在经历冬季抑郁症,直到五月下旬,太阳六个月来第一次出来,整个校园都活跃起来了. 我记得我对凯特·柯林斯说过,早上六点听到鸟儿啁啾,我从来没有这么高兴过. 天气对我的影响之大让我不知所措. 似乎我的问题和坏脾气都随着雪融化了.         
到了明年,我非常害怕冬天会带来什么. I developed a strategy that I thought was quite genius, 在那里我能找到一些值得期待的东西作为动力. 这种方法帮助我度过了一年中最艰难的时期, 我意识到我花了太多的时间去思考即将发生的事情,而完全忘记了享受现在. 
But what does it mean to enjoy the present. present这个词的定义是:现在存在或正在发生. 好吧,在这种情况下,你几乎不可能活在当下. Before you know it, the present becomes the past. 未来就变成了现在,一旦它变成现在,就变成了过去. 
所以,我的建议是:如果活在当下是不可能的,你所能做的就是活在当下. Even though the winter can feel kind of blue, when you are going through hard times, go right through them, feel it, be in it, don’t avoid it, and get out the other end. Don’t try to escape because before you know it, winter will become the past, as will your experience at Stanstead. 回首往事,后悔没有活在当下,只考虑未来,这将是一种耻辱.  
But just keep in mind, spring is only three months away!
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